Barnaby and Morrison working hand in glove to block climate action in the critical decade


Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, says Barnaby Joyce and Scott Morrison are trying to push the Australian climate debate out to 2050 ahead of the Glasgow COP, which will be primarily focussed on countries lifting their 2030 targets.

Today the Greens released research commissioned from the Parliamentary Library which shows that wholesale power prices are higher now under the Coalition than they were under the Greens-Labor carbon price policy.

While the government’s 2030 target has been internationally condemned as woefully insufficient, Labor has no 2030 target at all.

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP:

“2050 is such a do-nothing target that Barnaby Joyce is willing to sign up to it, and his price is no action in the critical decade to 2030.

“Barnaby Joyce will sign up to a delayed 2050 target if he extracts his pound of flesh, and his price is doing nothing before 2030 while the government is in power.”  

“2030 is the climate’s deadline because by 2050 it will be too late. Labor needs to stop letting Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce off the hook and announce a 2030 target ahead of the Glasgow summit. 

The price on carbon worked

"After 8 years of Coalition climate denial, pollution and power costs are now both higher than under the Greens/Labor/independents carbon price.

“By repealing the Greens/Labor carbon price, the Coalition has lifted electricity prices and let polluters off the hook.

“The Greens/Labor model made the big polluters pay the public for their emissions, but under the Coalition the public is paying the polluters, not just through cash handouts but higher electricity costs too.

“Now we’re treated to the obscene spectacle of Mathias Cormann, of all people, ‘leading the charge’ for a global price on carbon.

“As we head towards another minority Parliament with Greens and independents holding the balance of power, Labor should stop running scared on climate and help us fight Scott Morrison’s climate vandalism. There’s a really good story to tell from the power-sharing Parliament, but Joel Fitzgibbon didn’t just trash Julia Gillard’s legacy and help Tony Abbott to power, he won the internal Labor culture war and Labor is now MIA on 2030 while backing even more coal and gas.

“We need a plan to cut pollution quickly and get out of coal by 2030 because by 2050 it will be too late, and the only hope of getting there is by kicking the Liberals out and putting the Greens back in balance of power.”