The beginning of the end for gas


The Greens say the passage of the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Gas Prices) Bill 2022 this morning along with the Greens-negotiated inclusion of a significant package of measures to help households and businesses transition away from gas in the next Budget is the beginning of the end for gas.

The Greens have also vowed to renew their push for a freeze on power bills funded by a windfall profits tax, saying the legislation gives the government the power to freeze bills and the Greens will push for the government to do so as it develops its funding assistance package over coming months. Pressure will continue to build for a windfall tax and bill freeze in the coming months as bills continue to rise.

The Greens say that gas has joined coal in losing its social licence. Coal and gas’ war profiteering, price gouging and contribution to the climate and environmental crisis have all contributed to their pariah status. The Greens will push to accelerate the electrification of the economy and leave coal and gas behind, making sure everyone shares in the benefits of the renewable revolution.

Lines attributable to Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP:

“This is the beginning of the end for gas. 

“Gas is as dirty as coal, causing power bill pain as well as the climate crisis. Gas is not something to transition to, it’s something to move away from. The Parliament has made that clear.

“The Greens have secured a package that aims to put hundreds of dollars a year into the pockets of low and middle-income earners to help them deal with the cost of living crisis.

“The Greens are helping rein in the gas corporations to get more money in people's pockets.

“Power bills don’t have to keep rising. The legislation gives Labor the ability to freeze power bills. If Labor doesn’t freeze power bills, then any price rises will be their responsibility.

“The Greens will continue our campaign for a windfall profits tax on the greedy gas and coal corporation to fund a two year power bill freeze.”