Coalition and Labor light the fuse on Beetaloo gas bomb


The Greens have slammed the Liberals and Labor for today throwing $217 million in road funding to enable the Beetaloo Basin gas project, saying the funding would worsen the climate crisis and result in a stranded asset as our trading partners abandon gas. 

"The Coalition and NT Labor are in lock step in their plan to light the fuse on the Beetaloo climate bomb,” Acting Greens Leader Nick McKim said. 

"If your plan for the future includes fracking a massive gas mine for 70 years, there's no mincing words - you're a climate denialist.

"Beetaloo gas represents a greater climate impact than the Adani coal mine, we're talking about the equivalent of whole nations emissions, in one mine.

“It says everything about the Nationals’ priorities that they’d rather build a road to nowhere and help a climate destroying gas project go ahead, than link underserved regional communities. 

“Fossil fuel projects are rapidly becoming stranded assets, and our major gas export partners are announcing plans to move on to hydrogen. When the Beetaloo Basin becomes a dead project, this will be $217 million absolutely wasted.

"Today's statement that the Federal government will join with Labor to build roads to this fracking disaster also shows that fossil fuels and the so-called 'gas-led recovery' are contingent on taxpayer subsidies. So Australian's are being taxed to prop up big corporations to cook the planet.”