Environment Minister puts up white flag on saving our wildlife and native plants


Greens Environment Spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young responded to the Minister for Environment's proposal, released for public comment today, to not have recovery plans for 28 ecological communities and 157 threatened species:

“By seeking to rewrite the government’s obligations, the Minister is putting up the white flag on saving our wildlife and native plants. 

“Downgrading the level of obligation the on the Minister is downgrading the protection of our native animals and species.

“Let’s call a spade, a spade, this is all about letting the Minister off the hook – the Morrison Government has dropped the ball on protecting our environment and wildlife and now they want to change the rules and responsibilities.

“Pressure is building on Australia to sign up to global targets to stop extinction. This move takes Australia in the opposite direction. We need more effort and stronger laws for species protection, not less."

Senator Hanson-Young questioned the Minister, Department, Threatened Species Commissioner and Threatened Species Scientific Committee about this proposal in Senate Estimates in May. At that time, she was advised 167 recovery plans were outstanding and that 150 species would instead just be required to have Conservation Advices which each of them already have. See here from page 54.