Fires one year, floods the next - the grim future of global heating


The Australian Greens have said the disastrous flooding in NSW was a grim look at the future of extreme weather in a climate crisis, warning that more action must be taken to prevent the situation from rapidly worsening.

The Greens say that parliament must urgently declare a climate emergency, then start a rapid transition away from coal, oil and gas, the primary causes of global heating.

Lines from Adam Bandt MP, Leader of the Australian Greens:

"This is an utterly tragic situation in New South Wales. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost their home, livestock, or is currently out in the extreme conditions battling to protect their communities and save lives," Mr Bandt said.

"This is a grim look at the future of Australia’s climate in a future of global heating, where we’ll see bigger fires and worse floods, all with less time of normal weather in between. ‘Unprecedented’ fires one year, ‘once in a 50 year’ floods the next. This is not normal.

"Like bushfires, no one flood can be blamed on the climate crisis, but scientists warn that a warming planet will increase the intensity of extreme rainfall and bushfires.

"While our brave firefighters and emergency services are up to the challenge, we must take urgent action to move away from coal, oil and gas. If not, we’ll see more and more lives taken, more houses burnt or swept away, and more bushland and wildlife lost.

"The Liberals have taken millions in donations from coal & gas companies and are backing plans to expand these industries. They’ve put their donations, and the profits of the coal and gas industry ahead of the safety of you and your family.

"The Greens refuse donations from coal & gas corporations. We are working in parliament everyday to push the Labor and Liberal parties to go further and faster to tackle climate change.

"It’s time for the Parliament to declare a climate emergency and start taking urgent action to transition away from coal, oil and gas.

"Through an urgent transition away from coal, oil and gas and onto renewables, we won’t just create tens of thousands of jobs in regional Australia, we’ll protect our regional communities from the worst ravages of global heating. There’s no time to waste."

Lines from Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Senator for NSW:
“Scientists have been telling us for years that the climate crisis increases the risk of extreme weather events," Senator Faruqi said.

“Every day the Liberals prop up fossil-fuels and drag their heels on tackling the climate crisis, they risk more extreme weather, including worse and more destructive floods.

“The science is clear: coal, oil and gas worsen the climate crisis and are making floods more intense.

“My thoughts are with communities across NSW, many of which have already been badly impacted by the floods. Stay safe and follow the official advice.”