Gas industry wishlist a fracking nightmare: Bandt


Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has today slammed a proposed wishlist from Australia's peak gas body that would see the methane industry taxed less, bound by fewer environmental protections, and able to damage water supplies with impunity.

"Australia is the driest inhabited continent on Earth. We shouldn't be trashing our priceless water supply to prop up the gas industry," Mr Bandt said.

"The 'water trigger' is the Federal Government's only planning protection for Australia's water supply but the gas industry wants it scrapped. Gas is as bad for the climate as coal, and these changes could see the gas industry smash Australia's precious water reserves too.

"We've already seen rivers you can set alight. We don't want to be heading down the path of the US, where we've seen tapwater bubble with gas and entire croplands becoming unviable because of fracking projects gone wrong.

"The Government should dismiss this absurd wishlist out of hand. The gas industry already pays minimal tax and we can't strip back the few environmental protections we've got.

"Australia has some of the greatest renewable resources in the world. We should be investing in a clean energy recovery, building back from the pandemic with huge investment in public housing, clean energy, and high speed rail.

"A green recovery will create hundreds and thousands of jobs, take action on the climate crisis, and set Australia up as a major player in exporting clean energy to Asia."