Glasgow is all about 2030


As Scott Morrison and Barnaby Joyce parade their way towards a fraudulent ‘2050’ climate deal that includes the expansion of coal and gas, the Liberal and National parties’ refusal to lift 2030 targets sets Australia on course to fail the Paris Agreement temperature goals. 

The primary aim of the Glasgow climate summit is to lift 2030 targets. World leaders including Joe Biden and Boris Johnson have pressed Australia and other countries to lift 2030 targets.

The Greens policy, which will be taken to any future balance of power negotiations, is for a 75% reduction by 2030 reaching net zero by 2035 - consistent with Australia’s carbon budget for 1.5 degrees of warming.

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader Adam Bandt MP:

“Forget the Barnaby/Morrison smoke and mirrors of 2050. 2030 is the climate’s deadline. 

“Australia is being run by an accountant in a cowboy hat who doesn’t understand the basic maths of the climate crisis.

“If we don’t cut pollution by 2030, it will be too late for our farmers, too late for the reef and too late for our kids.

“The Liberals and Nationals will settle on a fraudulent 2050 target based on expanding coal and gas while refusing to take action before 2030 when it counts.

“As Glasgow nears, the Coalition is making a song and dance about a 2050 target, while the rest of the world demands action in this, the critical decade.

“By all but ruling out a 2030 increase, Barnaby Joyce and Scott Morrison have chosen coal over crops and put our farmers, reef and future at risk.”