Government still not getting vaccines rollout right


The Greens say the Government need to address continuing uncertainty over the vaccine roll out. There are supply, delivery and hesitancy issues plaguing the rollout that need urgent attention and actions in the face of the delta variant.

"The Government could consider shortening the length of time between AstraZeneca doses from 12 weeks for example to 8 weeks, as was done in the UK during a recent outbreaks of the Delta variant. People are better protected once they have their second dose", Senator Rachel Siewert said. 
"We also urgently need Government advice on mixing the AstraZeneca and Pfizer doses to give people choice and control over what second dose they receive. Studies from many countries are now available on this issue yet here in Australia there is still no advice.
"Many other countries including the US, Israel, EU and New Zealand are now vaccinating children over 12 years. Now is the time for the Government to start planning for rolling out vaccination for children aged 12 years and over so that we are prepared for this roll out.
"It’s like groundhog day with frontline workers continuing to be infected and no federal management plan. 
"We are still seeing escapes into the community where the quarantine system is failing. There needs to be a system across the country to ensure that everyone working on the frontline who may come into contact with returned travellers is known, vaccinated and has the proper protection.
"We  need to know who our healthcare, border and hotel quarantine workers are and their contacts as well as aircrew, flight attendants, ground crew, airport workers, transport workers and hotel workers. 
"The Government also needs to develop a plan for AstraZeneca doses that are due to expire soon. If these doses won’t be used here, then they must be offered to our neighbours in the region who need support and this needs to be done well before the doses are due to expire."

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Lucy Cowcher-Guthrie: 0418 401 180