Greens and Labor together can defeat IR Bill


The Greens’ moves to outlaw insecure work and protect gig economy workers have received a boost, with the Labor party backing those positions ahead of debate on the government’s anti-worker industrial laws.

The Greens have previously announced they will oppose the bill and seek to defeat it, a position Labor now holds too. If that is unsuccessful, the Greens will move amendments, first tabled by the Greens in 2018 and then again in response to the government’s IR Omnibus bill, that will replace the government’s bill with legislation to provide protections for gig workers by putting them on a level basis with employees, including by guaranteeing sick leave and a minimum wage.

Additionally, the Greens changes would outlaw job insecurity by making all jobs permanent and secure unless an employer could demonstrate a clear reason to the contrary. 

“The Morrison government wants to enshrine insecure work. The Greens want to outlaw it,” said Mr Bandt.

“Jobs should be secure. We must change the law so that every job is secure and ongoing unless there’s a strong, demonstrable business reason for it to be otherwise. 

“Insecure jobs make for insecure lives. Insecure work means people struggle to get loans, buy a house and plan for the future.

“This bill is Scott Morrison’s plan to make people’s lives insecure. It’s time that all those who want to fight for workers’ rights push back together.

“If the crossbench backs the Greens and Labor, we can defeat this attack on people’s wages and conditions,” Bandt said.