Greens Leader in WA to share balance of power priorities


Polling shows Greens on track to re-elect Dorinda Cox

In his first visit to WA since becoming Greens Leader, Adam Bandt will join Senator Dorinda Cox and key candidates to outline the party’s key priorities for WA. 

Mr Bandt, who grew up in WA, is in Western Australia to promote the party’s plans to tackle the climate crisis by phasing out coal and gas, and to tax billionaires to fund the services we all need, giving voters across the country the only alternative to Liberal and Labor’s bipartisan support for tax cuts for the rich and mining more coal and gas. 

With the Greens poised to be in balance of power in the Senate, the Greens say they are ready to kick the Liberals out and make the next government tax billionaires, build affordable housing, get dental and mental health into Medicare and go further and faster on climate action.

Polling, included below, shows the Greens are on track to hold our Senate spot in WA, off the back of strong popular support for making the billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share of tax, putting a pause on coal and gas projects and making dental and mental health free as part of Medicare. 

Western Australia will be a deciding state this election, with the Greens in a strong position to grow their vote and win the balance of power. The Greens’ Lead Senate Candidate is Dorinda Cox, a Yamatji Noongar Bibbulmun woman who in her short time in the Senate has already demonstrated she is a strong independent voice for WA,  through securing a parliamentary inquiry into missing and murdered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander  women and children, leading the Senate Inquiry into the Beetaloo Basin, pusing the Morrison Government on its approval of the climate-wrecking Scarborough gas project, and for a moratorium on all new coal and gas projects. 

Recent Greens polling (below) demonstrates that at the coming Federal election, there is a strong appetite for Greens in the Senate to keep the next Government on track and ensure a cleaner, fairer future for all, with 12% of Western Australians preferring to vote Green in the Senate this time. 

The Greens Leader’s visit to WA follows a regional tour of mining regions Newcastle, Townsville, Roickhampton and Gladstone to promote the Greens’ plan to support a transition from coal and gas projects to the industries of the future.

Adam Bandt has a long connection to Western Australia: growing up in Perth, going to school at Rosalie Primary and Hollywood High, as well as studying at Murdoch University, and a passionate Fremantle Dockers supporter. 

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader, Adam Bandt MP:

“The next election will be closer than people think and a power sharing Parliament is the most likely outcome.

“Instead of wasting their vote on Liberal and Labor parties that can’t win a majority in their own right, voters in WA can vote Greens in the Senate and get one of the most powerful MPs in the country.

“In balance of power, the Greens will kick Scott Morrison out and push the next government to tax billionaires, build affordable housing and go further and faster on climate.

“Almost half of WA voters back the Greens’ plan for a freeze on all new coal and gas projects, and 9 out of 10 West Australians back the Greens’ plan to get dental and mental health into Medicare. Western Australians back the Greens’ key balance of power demands.

“WA is going to be a key contest in the next election, and we’re feeling a massive swell of support on the ground for action on climate change and economic inequality. 

“As a Noongar Yamatji First Nations woman, Dorinda Cox knows and understands the importance of caring for Country and our environment. 

“In balance of power, Dorinda Cox will be integral in pushing the next government to go further and faster on climate action, so that we can protect and sustain our environment for future generations to enjoy.

“WA is set to comprehensively reject Clive Palmer, thanks to his hugely unpopular court case targeting the state’s border closures. WA wants nothing to do with Clive Palmer, and when people re-elect Dorinda Cox, we won’t just keep Palmer’s malignant influence out of Parliament, we’ll tax his obscene wealth, allowing us to put dental and mental health into Medicare, kickstart the hydrogen and green metals revolution, and significantly increase federal funding for WA hospitals.”

Quotes attributable to Greens Senator and lead Senate Candidate, Dorinda Cox:

“I am from a long line of women who have fought for their people, their country and their future. And as the Greens Senator, I am ready to fight for WA. 

“Liberal and Labor are both taking millions in donations from big coal and gas corporations.  

“In Western Australia, we have some of the biggest coal and gas projects in the world, and many of the big corporations are making massive profits, and not paying their fair share of tax. 

“It’s clear that Western Australians want action on climate, affordable housing and a better life for all of us. I’m here to be a strong voice fighting for West Australians in Canberra. 

Media Background: 

The poll also demonstrates that despite a massive ad spend, Clive Palmer has thus far failed to convincingly advance his position from the last election, where he polled 1.75% in WA’s Senate race. 

With other polling suggesting he’s currently tracking at 4% of the vote in NSW, this suggests that his attempt to sue the WA Government has backfired disastrously.

The Greens will be using the community’s anger at Clive Palmer to direct energy towards the party’s ‘tax the billionaires’ campaign - with the taxes to pay for hugely popular Greens proposals like putting dental and mental health into medicare.

The poll shows strong backing from West Australians for the Greens’ key balance of power demands of a pause on all new coal and gas projects and getting dental and mental health into Medicare.


The Greens are campaigning this election for:

  • A plan to urgently transition to clean energy through:

    • A freeze on oil and gas projects including Woodside’s Scarborough development and drilling for oil and gas in the Kimberley

    • A $5.9 billion Greens Metals fund to support critical minerals mining and metal processing and new industries like green steel and lithium-ion battery manufacturing to store clean energy

    • Making WA 100% renewable by 2030, with our $40 billion investment in new publicly owned generation and storage from a repurposed Snowy Hydro corporation 

    • A job-for-job guarantee for coal mine and power stations workers in Collie

  • Tax billionaires and big corporations to:

    • Put dental care into Medicare

    • Provide over $1.1 billion in extra federal funding for WA hospitals 

    • Free childcare and early childhood education for all families

    • Build 119,000 new, affordable homes in WA and create 5,300 new construction jobs and apprenticeships for West Australians

About the poll: 

The poll was conducted by independent polling organisation the Online Research Unit for the Australian Greens. 

This poll was conducted with 1016 people in Western Australia during Feb 22 to March 2, 2022.

Lower House Voting intention 

1.1 In the upcoming Federal Election, which party are you considering giving your first preference to in the Lower House? 

Column % Total  Labor 42% Liberal 31% Greens 11% Nationals 2% Clive Palmer United Australia Party 1% Pauline Hanson One Nation 4% An Independent 9%

(Sample: 1016)

Upper house voting intention 

1.3 Thinking about the Senate, or Upper House, which party are you considering giving your first preference vote to?

Column % Total Labor 39% Liberal 31% Greens 12% Nationals 2% Clive Palmer United Australia Party 2% Pauline Hanson One Nation 3% An Independent 11%

(Sample: 1016)

Putting a pause on coal and gas

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement

To tackle the climate crisis we need to pause all new coal and gas projects      Strongly agree 16% Somewhat agree 29% Neither agree nor disagree 23% Somewhat disagree 13% Strongly disagree 12% Don’t know 6% Total Agree 45% Total Disagree  25%

(Sample: 1016)

Big donations 

How concerned are you that Labor and Liberal both accept big donations from billionaires and big corporations like coal and gas, gambling and media organisations? 

    Very concerned and it would affect the way I vote 23% Somewhat concerned and it might affect the way I vote 38% Not concerned at all and it won’t affect the way I vote 28% Don't know 11%

(Sample: 1016)

Free mental and dental care

Do you support or oppose making dental and mental healthcare free as part of Medicare? 

Column % Total Strongly support 59% Somewhat support 27% Neither support nor oppose 11% Somewhat oppose 3% Strongly oppose 1% Total Support 86% Total Oppose 4%

(Sample: 1016)