Greens at Mardi Grass call high time to legalise weed


16 September 2022

Greens Senator and Justice Spokesperson David Shoebridge is at Mardi Grass this weekend as part of a nationwide push to legalise cannabis. The Green wave in the 2022 election has sent a record number of Greens to Canberra and helped ignite a nationwide campaign to legalise cannabis. 

Senator Shoebridge has been a long standing supporter of Mardi Grass and campaigning to legalise cannabis from his time as a NSW MP.  He will be attending this year’s festival to speak on two panels and work with community members and the thousands of attendees who are all committed to legalising cannabis. 

This event will be the first large-scale tourist attraction for Nimbin after devastating flooding earlier this year. The catastrophic loss and flooding has reignited conversations of economic empowerment for the region in the cannabis industry. 

Senator David Shoebridge will be attending the festival: 

When: Saturday 17 September
10am panel: Cannabis Laws and Legislation
1pm panel: A Message to Canberra: Let’s Legalise It!
Where: Mardi Grass Festival, Nimbin 
The Panels will also be livestreamed

Senator David Shoebridge said: 

“When we talk of drug law reform and harm minimisation we can start by stopping police and the courts ruining young people’s lives for choosing to have a joint with some friends.

“Imagine the public not having to pay to be persecuted and getting rid of the hugely expensive ring of police that surrounds Mardi Grass every year, desperately searching for an illegal joint or two. 

“If we get this campaign right a properly regulated legal cannabis industry will deliver a real economic return to regional Australia which has the land and the human resources ready to go - once we legalise it,” Senator Shoebridge said.