Greens scrutiny reveals fossil fuel consultant modelled net zero plan


Today in senate estimates, interrogation by Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young revealed that fossil fuel industry go-to modeller Brian Fisher was contracted to oversee and verify the cabinet modelling for net zero.

Fisher, the former head of ABARE, and managing director of BAEconomics, developed controversial modelling that was used by Minister Taylor to bludgeon Bill Shorten’s climate policy at the 2019 election. He has now been rewarded with $100,000 in contracts by Taylor’s Department.

Full details of Fisher’s net zero 2050 plan have not yet been revealed, however elements leaked to The Australian show gas, resources and agricultural ­exports will continue to grow and even exceed current levels by 2050.

Renew Economy has documented Fisher’s previous commissioned modelling for the fossil fuel industry, investigation by the ombudsman and claims by various media outlets of misleading reporting.

Quotes attributable to Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP

“Climate denial is at the heart of the government’s modelling used to win over the Nationals on net zero.

“Burning more gas in a net zero world, as this modelling ‘predicts’,  shows the 2050 deal is a fraud.

“Just when we thought this government couldn’t get any more disgraceful, they stoop lower.

“Employing a known friend of the fossil fuel industry to model net zero while expanding gas exports proves this government has no interest in curbing the climate crisis.”