Greens urge Morrison to introduce stronger environment laws after scathing review


The Greens are calling on the Morrison Government to implement stronger environment laws before we lose our precious nature and wildlife for good, after the release today of a scathing major review.  

Responding to the release of the final report from the once-in-ten-year review of Australia’s environment laws led by Professor Graeme Samuel, Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“The Samuel Report sounds the alarm that Australia’s environment is under unprecedented stress. Without urgent action and a full reform package we risk losing our native wildlife and iconic natural places for good. 

“After sitting on the report for 90 days, the Morrison Government needs to respond with a genuine commitment to a full reform package that makes our environmental laws stronger, with an independent watchdog to hold corporations and governments to account.

“We need environment laws that are fit for protecting nature in the face of climate change.

“There is one path forward for the Morrison Government and that is to accept the warnings in the Samuel Report of the dire straights our environment is in and commit to action.

“Our environment laws are too weak and are failing to do the job of protecting our environment. 

“Professor Samuel says at the outset of his report that 'The EPBC Act is out dated and requires fundamental reform'. He warns that 'Governments should avoid the temptation to cherry pick from a highly interconnected suite of recommendations'.

“What is needed is stronger laws and an independent cop on the beat to enforce them. Anything less and there will be more dead koalas, our forests and bushland will be destroyed and our oceans polluted. 

“The Government must scrap its Tony Abbott reforms of 2014 and implement a full reform agenda informed by the advice of their own expert. 

“The rest of the world is working out how to save the planet - Australia needs to join them with urgent action.

“As Professor Samuel said 'To shy away from the fundamental reforms recommended by this Review is to accept the continued decline of our iconic places and the extinction of our most threatened plants, animals and ecosystems'.”