Inquiry only way to clear cloud over A-G: Greens


Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has strengthened calls for an independent inquiry into allegations against Christian Porter, saying a cloud will remain over the Attorney General and government until they are tested.

Mr Bandt said that while only the courts could ascertain guilt, the Prime Minister was responsible for the selection of his Cabinet.

Lines from Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP:

"The Prime Minister's handling of these very serious rape accusations has been absolutely appalling. With his terrible mishandling of these accusations the Prime Minister is insulting victims, women, and the country.

"Neither the Prime Minister or the Attorney General have even read the serious claims that have been put to them by supporters of the woman.

"If the Prime Minister and the Attorney General won't even read the accusations that have been made about Christian Porter, then an independent inquiry must.

"An independent inquiry into these very serious accusations is now the only way that the woman and her supporters will have their story heard.

"With clouds remaining over the integrity of his Cabinet, the Prime Minister cannot hide behind a police investigation that was unable to commence due to the complainant's tragic death.

"The Prime Minister must call an independent inquiry into the allegations today."

Lines from Australian Greens Democracy Spokesperson Senator Larissa Waters:

“This government is sending a clear message to women: they don’t believe us.
“The PM himself only thinks about us when his wife reminds him he has daughters. He has shamefully brushed aside an allegation of rape implicating a member of his own cabinet, which will only embolden perpetrators, traumatise survivors of sexual violence and discourage victims from coming forward.”