Morrison Govt’s leaked standards condemn environment to more destruction


The Morrison Government’s leaked environmental standards make a mockery of the yearlong review into environment laws by Professor Graeme Samuel and condemn Australia’s environment to more destruction, the Greens say.

Greens Environment Spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“This leaked document shows the Morrison Government’s plan is for more pollution and destruction of our environment and a death sentence for Australia’s koalas and wildlife. 

“The Morrison Government has shown nothing but contempt for the Samuel Review since the beginning. They drafted legislation to weaken laws before the interim report was complete, have failed to respond to the final report after more than 100 days, and now are going to put forward standards that maintain the status quo of the EPBC Act which is failing our environment and wildlife. 

“Suggesting these standards will lift environmental protections is deceitful. The claims by the PM that the states and territories supported this government's reforms is also clearly rubbish with the NSW Liberal Environment Minister reportedly calling for improved standards and an independent regulator again today. 

“The Greens will be doing everything we can to ensure the Morrison Government does not further entrench the unsustainable environmental trajectory Professor Samuel has warned about. 

“We need strong environmental standards that protect our iconic natural places and precious wildlife and an independent watchdog to hold governments and corporate interests to account.”