Morrison's plan takes us from the 'cave' to the hospital


The Greens have reiterated their calls for at least 80% of the whole population, including kids, to be vaccinated before we can start lifting restrictions, writing to Scott Morrison urging National Cabinet this Friday to agree to include children in vaccination targets. 

Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP said:

“Scott Morrison’s plan will have kids leaving the cave and going straight to the ICU,” Mr Bandt said.

“Yesterday I wrote to the Prime Minister urging him to stop excluding under 16s from the vaccination targets and to at least to seek further expert advice about the impact of Delta on children and teenagers. 

“Morrison’s targets are a political solution to an epidemiological problem. Having lower targets might make them easier to meet but won’t make us safer.

“The Prime Minister is desperately trying to use vaccination targets as a club to bash the premiers, chief health officers, and public, but Delta infections and transmissions amongst children are rising and kids and teenagers need to be included in vaccination targets. 

“Terrifying new modelling from ANU today highlights the risk of dropping restrictions before people have been able to get vaccinated. Grattan Institute modelling is clear that we need at least 80% of the entire population, including kids, vaccinated before we can open up safely.”
Greens spokesperson Health Senator Rachel Siewert said:

 “The Government hasn’t settled on a vaccination target for Phase D yet. But when Morrison does finally release a plan for Phase D, it's critical that the target rate includes children and teenagers and that the rate ensures we don’t end up with thousands of deaths and our ICUs overwhelmed.

 “The ANU report today found that if we drop all public health measures and manage COVID like the flu, our health systems will be overrun with hospitalisations and we will see tens of thousands of deaths. There are now various models released and the Government needs to consider these and not just rely on the Doherty modelling as input.

 “We can’t afford to have half-baked vaccination targets of 80% of the adult population, which actually equates to 65% of the entire population.

 “This modelling gives a dangerous glimpse into what would happen if we reopen at 65% vaccination rates"