Release of refugees from hotel detention a belated humanitarian step



The overdue release of dozens of refugees from immigration detention is a very welcome glimmer of humanity in Australia’s refugee policy, Greens Immigration Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim says.

“These men have been through so much for so long, and for them now to be able to breathe free air is a wonderful step forward for them,” Senator McKim said. 

“There are still over 150 people who suffered through years of offshore detention detained in Australia. They should also be immediately released.”

“Those released today, and those still in detention, deserved freedom and safety a long time ago. Now they need permanent protection, support in our community, and a pathway to Australian citizenship.”

“There was never a legitimate reason for their detention, and it’s time to write the end of this dark chapter in our country’s story.”

“Special thanks go to the many Australian people who have protested this appalling situation.”