Scott Morrison to bring back carbon tariffs as souvenirs from Glasgow


Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP has said that the first ramifications for Australia’s climate delays are starting to show, with the EU ambassador warning that Australia may face carbon tariffs if Scott Morrison doesn’t stump up to Glasgow with strong 2030 targets.

“With no 2030 ambition, Scott Morrison’s going to Glasgow empty handed and he’ll return with carbon tariffs,” Mr Bandt said. 

“By cowardly submitting to Barnaby Joyce over 2030 targets, Scott Morrison has put a target on Australia’s back, exposing our exporters to carbon tariffs.

“The Morrison/Joyce political charade over climate delay is having real world ramifications.

“Political leaders will be descending on Glasgow to raise the alarm bells on urgent climate action. Forget 2050 - strong 2030 targets are the price of admission to Glasgow. 2030 is the climate’s deadline and by 2050 it will be too late.

“As an indication of how seriously global climate action relies upon strong 2030 targets, just hours after Scott Morrison surrendered to the Nationals, the European Union ambassador warned that weak 2030 targets mean Australia is facing carbon tariffs after Glasgow.”

“Meanwhile, showing what a fraud the government’s 2050 target is, Angus Taylor is pledging that our gas industry will be exporting more carbon pollution around the world than it is today. 

“If we want to save the reef, protect our farmers from worsening drought and bushfires, and avoid carbon tariffs on our exports, we need a 75% emissions reduction target by 2030. That’s what the science demands.”