Senate supports Greens motion calling for a National Strategy on Climate Change, Health and Well-being


The Senate has today recognised that the climate crisis is the greatest threat to our health this century. 
“The fact is, the climate crisis is a health emergency”, Greens spokesperson on Health Senator Rachel Siewert said. 
“The Government acted on the science when it came to the COVID crisis and yet for decades they have refused to act on the science when it comes to the climate crisis. 
“In Parliament today there are over 30 health leaders, including two former chief state health officers, calling for a National Strategy on Climate Change, Health and Wellbeing.
“We urgently need a National Strategy on Climate Change, Health and Well-being to protect our community and our future generations.” 
The motion reads:
I give notice that on the next day of sitting I shall move that the Senate - 

  1. Notes that the World Health Organization has acknowledged climate change to be the greatest threat to health this century;
  2. Recognises that acting on climate change is the greatest opportunity to improve health;
  3. Also recognises the Australian Government, as a signatory to the Paris Agreement, has an obligation to consider health in its climate change response;
  4. Applauds the growing calls from the health sector to act on climate to protect our health, including the 30 health leaders in Parliament today meeting with representatives to discuss climate change and health; and
  5. Calls on the Government to urgently develop a ‘National Strategy on Climate Change, Health and Well-being’, which is supported by more than 50 health, social welfare and conservation groups.