Tomago and world call time on coal as Morrison keeps selling it to China


Australia’s biggest electricity consumer, stationed right next to a major coal field, is getting out of coal. The announcement comes as nations are rallying around the world to put an end to coal.

The Greens called on Scott Morrison to exercise real climate pressure on China and other countries by lifting our 2030 targets and stopping selling them our coal.

Quotes attributable to Greens Leader Adam Bandt:

“Tomago’s announcement is huge. The biggest user of electricity in the whole country is saying no to coal.

“Tomago going renewable exposes the Morrison/Joyce lie: we already have the technology to cut emissions by 75% by 2030, but what’s lacking is leadership. 

“Overnight, a number of key world leaders outlined in the clearest language yet that coal is dead. Boris Johnson called on the world to ‘consign coal to history.’

“If Scott Morrison really wants to pressure China to reduce emissions, he should join the nations who are doing just that by increasing their 2030 targets. 

“If China’s excessive coal use is harming Australia, as Scott Morrison is starting to admit, then we should stop selling it to them.”