Petition: Truth in Electoral Advertising


I table a nonconforming petition relating to truth in election advertising, and I seek leave to make a short statement.

The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT ( Senator Fawcett ): Leave is granted for one minute.

Senator FARUQI: We know that the last federal election was riddled with blatantly false and misleading advertising, which has eroded public trust in our democracy. People have had enough of this. I am proud to table this petition of tens of thousands of Australians demanding that this problem be fixed once and for all. People are really concerned about the total lack of accountability for the scare campaigns run by political parties. They are sick and tired of politicians openly lying to voters with no consequences whatsoever. Both major parties have refused to take action to ensure political advertising is not misleading. The Greens have long called for legislation and regulation of political advertising to ensure it is true and accurate. We will continue to stand for truth in political advertising.