Speech: Live exports on the MV Al Kuwait


The MV Al Kuwait that departed Fremantle in June was a horrific journey. According to the Independent Observersummary report, up to 5,000 of the sheep on board experienced severe or serious heat stress, with laboured breathing, open-mouth panting and appearances of being stressed or in extreme discomfort; 28 sheep died, and many more were hospitalised. We knew this was going to happen. We knew this was inevitable. That's why the rules prohibiting these journeys through the Middle East at this time of the year were put in place in the first instance: because the risk to the animals from travelling in those circumstances is incredibly high. The exemption should never have been allowed. There should be full transparency about this voyage, and this OPD is a good first step. At the end of the day, these trips, these voyages of misery that end up in animal cruelty, have to be stopped.