Speech: Toxic Culture Wars


The Greens want a thriving, expanding and green manufacturing sector, but this government's plan for manufacturing is based on a completely unconscionable, climate-wrecking expansion of fossil fuels. They could choose renewables, but they don't. They talk up advanced manufacturing while actively decimating local research and innovation. A manufacturing plan without funding for research and skills isn't worth the paper it's written on. The Liberals and Nationals have defunded TAFEs and gutted research. They're not interested in our future. Senator Canavan is more interested in engaging in toxic culture wars about former senator Bob Brown and Black Lives Matter. His Facebook post yesterday, sharing a photo of a ute with a Black Coal Matters sticker, was both racist and climate denialist at the same time. It was absolutely disgraceful. Black Lives Matter has been a critical rallying cry and global movement against racial injustice and police violence.