Adani mine belongs in the bin, not the fast track


The Australian Greens say the Queensland Government’s decision to designate the Adani coal mine, railway and water infrastructure as ‘critical infrastructure’ is reckless and shows just how short sighted the Palaszczuk government is.

“Adani’s mega-mine and the dredging at Abbot Point coal port will be a climate disaster and Reef destroyer if they go ahead.” Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and environment spokesperson, said.

“Queenslanders will be outraged that a Labor government elected to ‘save the Reef’ is signing its death warrant.

“This decision is despicable, and it will haunt Steven Miles, Jackie Trad and Antony Lynham.

"In an age of global warming, extreme weather and mass coral bleaching, with clean energy alternatives waiting, it's just crazy to prioritise this giant coal mine that would turn the Reef into a coal ship highway.

“We know that Adani will likely pay no tax in Australia and will only generate a fraction of the jobs originally promised, 1,464, not 10,000.

“Just last month we saw that 5 large scale solar projects in regional Queensland funded by ARENA will create 1,100 jobs.

“If the Palaszczuk government is seeking a jobs rich industry to fast track as ‘critical infrastructure’ it should look to clean energy.

“Clean energy is jobs rich, doesn’t drive dangerous global warming and won’t place our Reef in further strife,” Senator Waters said.

Contact – Asia Munro 0419 626 725