Adani mine should get in the bin not on the fast track


The Australian Greens say the State and federal government are failing Queenslanders by supporting Adani after a report from Environmental Defenders Office Qld exposed the effect of the Queensland “critical infrastructure” declaration.

Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Senator for Queensland, Senator Larissa Waters said:

“The Adani mine belongs in the bin, not the fast track.

“Queenslanders are rightly outraged that a Labor government elected to ‘save the Reef’ is protecting Adani from legal challenges with this critical infrastructure declaration.

“This despicable decision to prop up Adani’s Reef-destroying mega-mine will come back to haunt Steven Miles, Jackie Trad and Anthony Lynham.

“Labor’s fast-tracking ‘critical infrastructure’ declaration is unprecedented for a private development. It could fast-track water assessments and potentially strip most review and appeal rights.

“The real critical infrastructure in Queensland is schools, hospitals, public transport, clean energy and the Great Barrier Reef.

“If the Palaszczuk government is seeking a jobs rich industry to fast track it should look to clean energy.

“Clean energy is jobs rich, doesn’t drive dangerous global warming and won’t place our Reef in further strife,” Senator Waters said.

Contact: Lauren Gillin 0419 626 725