Anglo American must not palm off duty to provide Central Qld jobs‏



The Queensland Government must make sure Anglo American does not dodge its responsibility to provide Central Queensland jobs in rehabilitation by selling its unprofitable Callide coal mine to a shelf company.

Anglo American has agreed to sell its mine to a tiny company which has raised only $750,000 from investors. It was reported today that the investment in jobs and equipment to rehabilitate the site may be more than $121 million.

“We can’t let Anglo American dodge its responsibilities to provide local rehabilitation jobs by selling its mine to a shelf company with next to no assets without adequate security,” Qld Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader, said.

“The Queensland Audit Office has found that the state government has a terrible track record in collecting enough money upfront to cover the cost of workers rehabilitating the sites of resource projects.

“Recently it was revealed that no bond was collected for the Queensland Nickel Refinery, which faces an uncertain future and sits one kilometre from the waters of the Great Barrier Reef.

“By making sure that rehabilitation bonds have been paid before resource companies go bust, state governments will be able to properly restore the environment and immediately create new local jobs in rehabilitation.

"As coal companies go bust or leave Australia, it's workers who are hit hardest, and state governments can be left to clean up the mess. The Greens' have a plan to protect workers, taxpayers and the environment.

"Under the Greens' plan, a national audit of mines would establish the true cost of rehabilitation, and companies would pay extra funds into a Mining Trust Fund to secure investment in rehabilitation works.

“Our plan for securing rehabilitation jobs is in addition to our plan for a $1 billion Clean Energy Transition Fund to help workers and communities affected by the end of coal, and our plan to build at least 90% clean energy by 2030,” Senator Waters said.

The Greens plan for rehabilitation and jobs

The Greens plan for a Clean Energy Transition Fund and 90% clean energy by 2030

Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725