Australian Greens stand with Australian leaders calling for emergency action on global warming


The Australian Greens have backed a statement by 24 prominent Australians calling for "emergency-scale action" on dangerous global warming.
Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Larissa Waters said, "We are running out of time to save our Great Barrier Reef, protect our rural communities, safeguard our way of life and avert a global warming catastrophe.
"Dangerous global warming is not just an environmental issue. It threatens our children's future and it's unfolding before our eyes.
"The solutions to global warming, like clean energy jobs, protecting our ancient forests and greening our cities, will make life better for everyone.
"The Greens have articulated an ambitious, detailed plan to make Australia cleaner, fairer and more secure with 90% clean energy by 2030, no new coal mines or fracking, and tens of thousands of new jobs.
"Only the Greens want to end the $21 billion in fossil fuel subsidies and the corrosive influence of fossil fuel donations on our politics.
"The Paris climate agreement is a historic first step, but without a rapid transition to clean energy, we risk serious ever more serious fire, drought, extreme weather, conflict and global instability," Senator Waters said.