Budget fails the Great Barrier Reef and clean energy, while further propping up fossil fuels


The Liberals’ budget fails the environment and the Great Barrier Reef, cuts billions from clean energy and tops up the billions in hand outs to the fossil fuel industry with another $100 million. 
Qld Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens climate change and environment spokesperson, said: 
“Our Reef is suffering record coral bleaching driven by global warming but the Liberals are ripping out a billion dollars from clean energy, and funding for work on Reef water quality comes from cutting Landcare. 
“True to its anti-science agenda, the Turnbull Government has locked in the Abbott Government’s cuts to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Australian Institute of Marine Science. 
“While environment funding is cut, the mining industry get another $100 million for exploration to dig up more fossil fuels to further cook the Reef’s corals. 
“A better budget would have invested in clean energy, not dirty energy, to help save the 69 000 jobs the Reef provides. 
“While the fossil fuel industry continues to get over $20 billion in subsidies, the Turnbull Government’s budget locks in the $1.3 billion slashed from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency. 
“It’s disgraceful that the Labor Opposition have confirmed that they support this billion dollar clean energy cut. 
“The Turnbull Government has completely ignored the world’s biggest economic challenge in its budget. 
“The Liberals’ budget is a missed opportunity to lead in the global transition to a clean economy that provides 21 century jobs in clean energy and public transport and tackles global warming,” Senator Waters said.  
Contact – Monique Vandeleur 0419 626 725