Budget missed opportunity for public transport and clean energy in Queensland


The Liberal Government's budget fails to provide public transport or clean energy jobs in Queensland and instead focuses on military spending in other states.
"This budget is a let-down, especially for Queensland," Qld Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader, said.
"While Sydney and Melbourne get billions for infrastructure, the Turnbull Government is denying Brisbane funding for the much-needed Cross River Rail because Queenslanders have voted against asset sales.
"Instead of tying infrastructure funding to the privatisation of public assets, which the Queensland community opposes, a better budget would fund public transport by taking advantage of record low interest rates to create new jobs.
"The Treasurer's speech was completely devoid of any mention of the Great Barrier Reef or the 69 000 jobs it provides, despite the Reef suffering record bleaching, driven by global warming.
"Where is the courage and vision to lead our economy's transformation into the clean energy future, which would generate tens of thousands of new jobs while protecting the jobs our Reef provides?
Greens Queensland Senate Candidate, Andrew Bartlett, said the budget was a missed opportunity to generate clean energy and public transport jobs in Queensland.
"A better budget would support jobs in 21st century industries, such as solar, wind, public transport, high speed rail and telecommunications, in Queensland instead of focussing on building military hardware in other states.
"The Liberals' budget further entrenches inequality in Queensland by cutting health and education, while giving tax cuts to those who earn more than $80 000 and companies turning over up to $10 million," Mr Bartlett said.