Budget more proof the Liberals don’t care about women


The Budget is another reminder that the Liberal party doesn’t care about women, says Australian Greens Deputy Leader and spokesperson for women, Larissa Waters.

“The Government is putting women’s lives at risk by chronically underfunding domestic violence services and pushing women to financial hardship in order to raise revenue.

“A major funding boost is needed to provide the most basic frontline services for women and children escaping domestic violence, but there is next to nothing in the Budget.

“What's in the Budget for young women is the lowering of the HECS repayment threshold, forcing 185,000 additional people to start paying back their fees and 62 per cent of them are women.

“It’s no surprise that the Budget either ignores or deprives women given the Cabinet is mostly men, and they once again didn’t prepare a women’s budget impact statement.”

“There are tax cuts for big business from a government that supports taking away penalty rates for retail and hospitality workers, the majority of whom are women.

“The Liberals have shown us again they don’t really care about women.

“When it comes to stopping domestic violence they’re all talk.

“They wear ribbons, give speeches, and raise awareness but chronically underfund life saving services.

“They’re happy to squeeze revenue from young women trying to carve out careers, instead of properly taxing their big business mates.

“Perhaps if there was a cashed up women’s lobby that made millions in donations with access to politicians the story would be very different.

Media Release Women