Cape Grim and poll finding global warming a vote-changer show old parties ignoring science and community


Confirmation from Cape Grim that atmospheric carbon dioxide has reached 400 parts per million and another poll showing Australians want action on global warming show the old parties are out of touch with the science and the community.
"Reaching this dangerous threshold of carbon pollution in the atmosphere, the highest in human existence, must act as a global wake-up call," Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens climate change spokesperson, said.
"This is a global emergency and alarm bells should be ringing for Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten who are championing new coal mines and fossil fuel subsidies.
"Australians already understand the need to rapidly transition to clean energy but the old parties are stuck in the past, continuing to approve new coal mines to please their big mining donors," Senator Waters said.
The ReachTEL survey of 2400 Australians out today shows 64 per cent of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for a party seeking 100 per cent renewable energy in 20 years.
"We Greens have a plan to achieve at least 90 per cent renewable energy in less than 15 years by 2030, creating tens of thousands of new jobs.
"The science out of Cape Grim is clear - our atmosphere cannot take any new coal mines. We must actively reduce our carbon pollution, not pump out more by digging up more coal or fracking more gas.
"We Greens have the courage and vision to embrace the global transition to job-rich clean energy and provide a transition plan for coal workers who are already losing their jobs in this dying industry," Senator Waters said.