To rescue the Reef we need no new thermal coal mines and a ban on fossil fuel donations, says Queensland Greens Senator Andrew Bartlett.
"The Coalition’s funding package reported in the media today ignores by far the biggest threat to the Reef, climate change.
"To save the Reef we have to stop burning coal.
"Both the Coalition and Labor must rule out any new thermal coal mines.
"This funding is just window dressing designed to create the illusion of action, when in reality the Coalition and Labor are still killing the Reef with their addiction to coal and fossil fuel donations.
"The political obsession with burning coal makes no sense until you consider the millions of dollars pumped into the Liberal, National and Labor parties by the fossil fuel industry.
"The Great Barrier Reef is being cooked by warming sea temperatures with wave after wave of mass coral bleaching.
"The only way to fix this is to ban new thermal coal mines and ban donations from the fossil fuel industry, so instead of working to maximise corporate profit our political system works to make sure there is a future for the Reef and for all of us”.
Media Release Mining and Resources