Coral scientists’ letter to PM shows need to vote for the Reef on Saturday


With coral reef scientists left to beg the Prime Minister Turnbull to stop putting fossil fuels ahead of the Reef, it's never been more important to vote for the Reef.
"This election falls at a critical time for the survival of our Great Barrier Reef," Qld Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader, said.
"The old parties are ignoring Reef scientists and instead are putting their fossil fuel donors ahead of the Reef and the 69 000 people who rely on the its health for their job.
"With 93 per cent of the Great Barrier Reef affected by coral bleaching, it's never been more important to vote for the Reef than at this election.  
"Australians can save the Reef by sending a message to the old parties that we don't want massive new coal mines sending more coal to be shipped out through the Reef to further cook its corals when burnt.
"We Greens will use our numbers in the Parliament to stand up for the Great Barrier Reef and the jobs it provides.
"We'll also fight for transition plans for coal workers already losing their jobs in this dying industry and investment in clean energy to generate a renewable energy jobs boom," Senator Waters said.