CSIRO climate science saves lives and money


The Climate Council's report today shows CSIRO climate science, which faces cuts presided over by the Liberal Turnbull Government, helps firefighters, farmers, businesses and governments make important decisions.
"CSIRO's data informs important decisions that save lives and money," Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and climate change spokesperson, said.
"Firefighters and other emergency services use CSIRO's climate data to better equip themselves and help the communities they strive to protect.                                                                     
"As the report explains, businesses and governments use CSIRO climate science to make billion-dollar decisions on infrastructure, such as in the design of Brisbane Airport's new runway, which factored in in sea-level rise.
"CSIRO climate science is essential and practical. Slashing it directly contravenes the Paris commitment we made to strengthen climate science.
"Since Malcolm Turnbull got back from Paris he has overseen the approval of the Southern Hemisphere's largest coal mine and presided over the CSIRO climate science cuts.
"It's clear that the climate dinosaurs of the Coalition are running the Turnbull Government," Senator Waters said.