Greens applaud long overdue apology


The Queensland Greens have applauded the state government's apology to those convicted under unjust laws criminalising homosexual activity, along with the move to erase those convictions.

Greens spokesperson Kirsten Lovejoy said action by the Parliament to apologise and rescind past convictions is an important way to demonstrate that our entire community now recognises that it was and is unjust to discriminate against and punish people purely on the basis of their sexual orientation.

"The Greens congratulate the Labor government on this overdue but very welcome move, and recognise the tireless work of many amazing people who campaigned so hard for this action to occur. It is wonderful that some of the them were able to be in Parliament today to witness the apology firsthand," Ms Lovejoy said.

"There is of course still much to be done to eliminate social, legal and administrative discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, and the Greens commit to continue to campaign up to and beyond the looming state election for further action in this area."

For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett on 0418 743 789.