Greens call for immediate changes to nightclub ID scanning rules


The Queensland Greens have called for immediate changes to the state government’s ID scanning laws in entertainment precincts, saying it is costing jobs, strangling small business and giving a free kick to casinos.

Kirsten Lovejoy, Greens candidate for the central Brisbane electorate of McConnel, said “once again local business and workers are losing out while Labor and the LNP give special treatment to casinos and put the profits of big corporate donors ahead of community needs.”

“The introduction of ID Scanners has been an entirely predictable shambles. Labor and the LNP have both received tens of thousands in donations from casino interests, so it is also entirely predictable that they implement policies which boost the profits of casinos at the expense of local businesses, workers and performers.

“Compulsory ID scanning has already negatively impacted smaller local venues, with some having to turn customers away or close their doors early due to the higher running costs, pushing patrons to the casino which has an exemption from using ID Scanners.

“The Greens consulted with local business and performers in successfully opposing Labor’s ineffective, job destroying lock out laws, and we are doing the same in producing an effective alternative to the ID scanning laws.

“We know more violence occurs on the street and we know smaller more niche venues reduce violence and larger less personal venues increase it.

“We also know it is unnecessary to require scanners to be operated by a licensed security guard. Politicians need to work with our community to tailor a local response that truly tackles alcohol fuelled violence rather than a one-size-fits-all sledgehammer approach that closes doors and favours the big players who donate to the big parties.

“It’s time politicians stopped chasing short-term tabloid headlines and started thinking long term when it comes to alcohol-fuelled violence.”

“You’d be forgiven for thinking you might be watching the series House of Cards or BrainDead*, because – minus the frequent deaths – Queensland parliament doesn’t seem far off.”

For further comment, contact Kirsten Lovejoy on 0427 589 035.

*BrainDead is an American political satire science fiction comedy drama where extra-terrestrial insects are eating the brains and taking control of politicians and their staffers and few around them notice the difference.