Greens call for next step in Brisbane’s clean transport future – the Brisbane Subway


The Greens are calling on the old parties to commit before the election to Brisbane's clean transport future beyond the north-south Cross River Rail by progressing an east-west Brisbane Subway.
Greens Senator for Queensland, Larissa Waters, said Brisbane was expected to grow rapidly over the next 15 years and we needed to plan now for that growth with high-quality public transport.
"Following the Greens' call for $2 billion of federal funding for Cross River Rail, the other federal parties have started to make concrete commitments on this urgent priority infrastructure," Senator Waters said.
"But we need to plan into the future beyond the north-south Cross River Rail with a comprehensive plan including consideration of an east-west Brisbane Subway which has been discussed since at least 2011.
"As part of our balanced budget of election policies, which includes $2 billion over four years for Cross River Rail, we would invest $20 million in a comprehensive plan for Brisbane's clean transport future, including a Brisbane Subway.
"Our vision is for a high-frequency Brisbane Subway, running east-west, with services every few minutes.
"The route would connect Brisbane's two largest 'trip generators' - the CBD and UQ - with stations at Indooroopilly, University of Queensland, West End, South Brisbane, CBD, Kangaroo Point, Teneriffe, Bulimba and Hamilton.
"Unlike the ill-conceived "Brisbane Metro" proposed by Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk, which does not add new connectivity and replicates existing bus services, our proposal would connect previously disconnected areas and would add new river crossings between high density areas of our city," Senator Waters said.
Greens candidate for Brisbane, Kirsten Lovejoy, said the Brisbane Subway would operate similarly to the London Underground and the New York Subway in underground tunnels separate from the existing heavy rail system.
"A Brisbane Subway would fight congestion on major roads, and would take the pressure off other public transport services, boosting the capacity of Brisbane's entire network.
"Our plan is designed to help create a city where people living both in inner and outer suburbs have a choice to leave their cars at home, or where they are able to avoid the expense of owning a car.
"The Greens stand for a clean, connected, liveable city with thriving neighbourhoods built around frequent, reliable public transport powered by clean energy.
"The experience with Cross River Rail with eight years of discussion and still no completed business case underlines why we need to get started on the next steps in the planning process immediately," Ms Lovejoy said.
More information:
Senator Waters (Monique Vandeleur) 0419 626 725
Kirsten Lovejoy (Ben Pennings) 0418 164 014