Greens call on Shorten to announce increase to draft climate targets at Press Club


The Australian Greens are calling on Bill Shorten to announce science-based climate pollution reduction targets in his National Press Club address tomorrow.
"Labor must not use the Turnbull Government's woefully inadequate targets, set by Tony Abbott, as an excuse to be mediocre," Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens climate change spokesperson, said.
"Labor's current draft targets provide only a moderate level of ambition and they must be increased in line with the science.
"Labor's current draft target for 2030 is at the bottom of the range proposed by the Climate Change Authority for a two-thirds chance of avoiding 2 degrees warming.
"After the world agreed in Paris to aim to keep warming below 1.5 degrees, Labor's current two-thirds chance of 2 degrees is bad odds.
"We need the courage and vision for action on global warming that will provide lasting employment in the job-rich clean energy industry," Senator Waters said.