Greens call on Shorten to block Turnbull from funneling money direct to Adani


Federal Labor should join the Greens in pledging to block Turnbull giving a billion dollars of public money directly to Adani, say the Australian Greens.

“After public pressure, Queensland Labor are claiming they won’t be the middleman and help funnel federal funds to Adani,” says Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens and Queensland Senator, Larissa Waters.

“If the Turnbull government insists on giving freebies to a dodgy multinational mining company and moves to amend the NAIF Act so money can be handed direct to Adani, the Greens will block them in the Senate.

“The Greens would block any amendments that would allow Turnbull to subsidise Adani  – and Bill Shorten should make the same pledge. 

“Bill Shorten and Labor need to pick a side, and vote with the Greens to block any taxpayer money going to Adani.

“The stink around the billion dollar hand out for Adani keeps getting worse.

“Today we learn that two of the people in charge of deciding if Adani gets the money stand to benefit financially if the mine goes ahead. 

“Voters will remember if Labor lets Malcolm Turnbull hand over a billion dollars of public money to a dodgy multinational with a track record of money laundering, tax dodging, corruption and fraud allegations, ticked off by board members with a financial stake in the mine’s completion.

Media Release Mining and Resources