Greens commit to help our hard-hit Pacific island neighbours with $3.6 billion per year in climate finance


The Australian Greens today committed to do Australia’s fair share in providing climate finance to help developing nations transition to clean energy and adapt to the impacts of global warming. 
Deputy Greens leader Senator Larissa Waters said:
“Global warming is already hitting our neighbours in developing countries in the Pacific first and hardest, with rising seas, extreme weather and drought. 
“I was honoured to attend the Paris Climate talks with Greens leader Richard Di Natale and stand alongside our Pacific Island neighbours in their push for climate justice.
“In Paris, Australia agreed with other developed nations to collectively provide US$100 billion per year by 2020 in climate finance to assist developing nations transition to clean energy and adapt to the impacts of global warming. 
“The Greens support the call from development experts and our Pacific island neighbours for Australia to do its fair share. 
“The Greens would make sure Australia pulls its weight, by mobilizing $3.2 billion per year by 2020 from a combination of public and private finance. 
“The Greens would raise Australia’s contribution from $200 million per year to $1.6 billion per year by 2019-20 mainly for grants to support climate adaptation, and would mobilise an equivalent level of private finance,” Senator Waters said.