Greens demand Annastacia Palaszczuk ban Greyhound Racing and support industry workers


Queensland Greens spokesperson and long-time animal welfare advocate Andrew Bartlett says Annastacia Palaszczuk should follow the lead of New South Wales and ban greyhound racing.

“The greyhound racing industry in Queensland has involved systemic animal cruelty, mass killings and live baiting. Animal cruelty is inappropriate entertainment and should be phased out as soon as possible. As the State Government has allowed this industry to exist, the State Government should financially assist the re-employment of workers involved in the industry.”

"The Greens agree with the findings of the Commission of Inquiry in New South Wales, there is a 'very real risk' that live baiting would continue. New South Wales Premier Mike Baird understands this industry is built on animal cruelty. Annastacia Palaszczuk has had access to the same information and it is a failure of leadership for her not to have taken the same action. She needs to explain why she thinks greyhound racing is any different here, or why dogs and other animals should suffer in Queensland but not New South Wales.”

For more information, contact Andrew Bartlett.