Greens inequality package will benefit more than 300,000 Queenslanders struggling to get by


The Greens’ flagship inequality package would benefit local families and single parents struggling to get by in Queensland, Senator Waters said today.

The Greens have announced increases to key payments nationally, raising Newstart by $55 per week, moving single parents onto the higher Parenting Payment Single and a 30 per cent increase to Commonwealth rent assistance.

Greens Senator for Queensland, Larissa Waters, said the package would help more than 300,000 Queenslanders, including single parents, Newstart recipients and people accessing rent assistance.

“Income inequality is growing in Australia and many people battle daily with poverty. That’s why the Greens would raise key payments including single rates of Newstart by $55 per week, helping more than 120,000 people in Queensland.

"More than 300,000 people would also benefit from increasing rent assistance by 30%, as well as 19,499 single parents who would benefit from being on Parenting Payment Single.

“Our inequality package is part of the Greens’ balanced budget of fully costed policies.

“We can afford to help those Queenslanders struggling to get by making sure that the big end of town pays its fair share, including by clamping down on corporate tax avoidance.

“Instead the Turnbull Government is giving out $50 billion in corporate tax cuts while many Queenslanders experiencing hard times struggle to make ends meet.

Greens family and community services spokesperson, Senator Rachel Siewert said:

“Far too many people are living in poverty in Australia, inequality is increasing.

“Inequality can impact on a wide range of outcomes; including education, health, employment, and many other aspects of full participation in society.

“The Greens will provide increases to those who are most in need, and fight poverty and inequality,” Senator Siewert said.


Senator Waters (Monique Vandeleur) 0419 626 725
Senator Siewert (Nadine Walker) 0418 401 180