Greens: NT Labor caves in to fossil fuel industry and ditches fracking ban


The Northern Territory Labor government's decision to open up fracking will put lives and livelihoods at risk, says Greens Senator and spokesperson for Mining and Resources Andrew Bartlett.

“The month of April saw multiple records for high temperatures broken across the country.

“By the NT Labor government’s own admission, more fracking will see increased greenhouse gas emissions, fueling further the dangerous climate change.

“The human and ecological impacts of climate change are already occurring, yet governments at a territory, state and federal level keep making policy decisions that will increase emissions.

“Earlier this year thirty-one of Australia's leading climate scientists and doctors wrote to the NT Labor Government calling on it not to lift the fracking ban.

“The NT Labor government ignored them and the majority of Territorians who support a ban.

“Instead they listened to the fossil fuel industry who have given them tens of thousands of dollars.

“Today’s announcement is yet another reminder of why we need urgently to break the stranglehold fossil fuel companies have over our political system”.

Media Release Mining and Resources