Greens propose rent caps and unlimited leases to end renters’ second class status


The Queensland Greens have today announced their radical plan to fix the rigged system that treats renters as cash cows for real estate agents and property developers.

“Over one in three Queenslanders rent, and with unaffordable house prices and falling wages, this number is growing,” said Kirsten Lovejoy, Greens candidate for McConnel.

“Renters have been screwed over for so long that they just assume this is the way it is - unfair rent hikes and evictions, unsafe and unhealthy dwellings, unable to own a pet or hang a picture, all the while not knowing if they will have to move when their lease is up in twelve or six months.”

“A safe, affordable and comfortable home, and a chance to put down meaningful roots in your community, are basic human rights. Renters are people, not a way to make a profit.”

“We will follow Berlin’s successful introduction of unlimited leases, stop unfair rent hikes with rent caps, allow renters to have pets and make minor improvements to their homes, and introduce a minimum set of standards for all properties. “

“We’ll ensure renters only have to sign one, unlimited lease, which they can terminate at any point. Real estate agents will have to give 12 months notice if they wish to evict the renter.”

“We will end ‘no-grounds’ evictions, where renters may be evicted without reason. Instead we’ll introduce a set of ‘reasonable grounds’.”

Under our plan renters will have the right to remain in their home even if the property is sold. Because as Darryl Kerrigan said in The Castle, ‘it’s not just a house, it’s a home.’

“Our plan will fix the rigged system that puts the profits of real estates agents and investors over the rights and dignity of everyday Queenslanders.”

“Queensland politicians have failed Queensland renters. Neither Labor nor the LNP have any interest in changing a system that makes millions for an elite few at the expense of the rest of us.”

“Your basic human rights should not depend on whether you're lucky enough to have the ability to save for a housing deposit.”

“Right now one in five Queenslanders are in financial stress due to unaffordable rents or mortgages. Many more struggle to turn their rental property into a home. Something has to give.”

“Many of us don’t have a place we are proud to call home or a chance to participate meaningfully in our community, we’re suffering under a broken political system that always puts us last.”

“Our plan will help change that.”

Media Contact: Max Chandler-Mather - 0488199015