Greens proud of legal fight against Adani mega-coal mine


“We are disappointed with this decision but are proud of the tenacious legal fight to oppose this mega-coal mine.
“When governments fail to enforce or comply with their own laws, it falls to community groups to hold them to account.
“Public enforcement of laws is a crucial tenet of our democracy.
“Across the country, Australians care deeply about our reefs, forests, rivers and native wildlife and they should be able to have their say on developments threatening to destroy these parts of our national identity.
“The Turnbull government wants to stop ordinary Australians from enforcing our environmental laws by stripping environment groups of their charity status and gutting public enforcement.
“We Greens will continue to stand with farmers, graziers, environmentalists and scientists who do not want this mine.
“We take this opportunity to remind the State Labor government they were elected to ‘save the Reef’ and ask them why they continue to betray Queenslanders and push ahead with this Reef-destroying mega-mine.
“Labor’s fast-tracking declaration last month that Adani coal was 'critical infrastructure’ is unprecedented for private development.  
“That despicable decision to prop up Adani’s Reef-destroying mega-mine will come back to haunt Steven Miles, Jackie Trad, and Anthony Lynham.
“The Queensland government is condemning the Reef to worse bleaching and jeopardising the 70,000 jobs it provides.
“This government should honour its commitment to voters and invest in job-rich, clean energy that doesn’t drive dangerous global warming, trash groundwater or place our already fragile Reef in further jeopardy.”
Today two legal challenges were dismissed by the Supreme Court against Adani’s Carmichael Coal Project.
Media contact: Lauren Gillin 0419 626 725

Media ReleaseMining and Resources