Greens push to take fracking ban national


The test is on for the Nationals and the Labor party with the Senate today debating the Australian Greens’ bill to ban fracking and give landholders the right to say no to coal and unconventional gas to protect farmland, water and the climate.
Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Deputy Leader and resources spokesperson said:
“For the past five years I have had legislation to give voice to farmers and regional Australians who want their land, lifestyle, water and the climate protected from the ravages of unconventional gas.
“Every time these bill have been debated, the old parties have lined up with the mining and gas sector donors and turned their backs on communities worried for their health and the future of their farmland.
“Today is another chance for the Nationals and the federal Labor party to do the right thing, and stand with the people they are meant to represent rather than the multinational fossil fuel companies.
“After this week’s move by the Victorian state government to legislate their ban on fracking, federal Labor should follow the lead of Victorian Labor and their state colleagues in NSW, WA, NT and Tasmania and back my bill to ban fracking
“With support from Labor and the crossbench in the Senate, this bill could then challenge the government to prioritise farmland, water, clean energy, and climate.
“A grassroots, united city and country campaign of farmers, environmentalists, scientists and Indigenous Australians saw the damage done in Queensland and have resisted coal seam gas for ten years.
“Our bill would use the corporations power under the Constitution to give landholders, including farmers, local councils and native title holders, the legal right to say no to coal and gas exploration and mining.
“It is also time to ban the environmentally reckless practice of fracking, which involves blasting millions of litres of water, chemicals and proppants into coal seams to create fissures so that gas can be extracted more readily.
“Fracking is a dangerous process that is risking our geological stability and water quality and is a disaster for our climate, with dangerous methane pollution leaking from wells and pipes as ‘fugitive’ emissions.
“It’s time for Australia to join the global movement against fracking.  Bans or moratoriums are already in place in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Wales, Scotland, New York State in the USA and Quebec in Canada.”
“We have job-rich clean energy alternatives to unconventional gas and coal which don’t threaten our climate, land, and water and that is where Australia should go.
Media Contact: Lauren Gillin 0419 626 725

Media ReleaseMining and Resources