Greens respond to extra 600 apartments on Queens Wharf


The Premier is lying through her teeth on Queens Wharf.

“This outrageous generational theft of public land has just got worse with an extra 600 hotel rooms added onto the 1000 already proposed, said Kirsten Lovejoy, inner Brisbane Greens candidate for McConnel.

“The question for Queenslanders is how much worse is this going to get? Can we expect hundreds more pokies? More planning exemptions?”

“The average person building or renovating a house has to comply with more regulations. Maybe if they donate an easy $10,000 to Labor or the LNP things might get easier for them too.”

“The premier’s claim that she wants people to have a say is an empty gesture. Queenslanders were never asked whether they wanted 10% of the CBD privatised to build a mega casino.”

“Even if 10,000 people wrote submissions objecting to the construction of the mega-casino it would still go ahead. This whole process is a sham.”

“If the state government really wants people to have a say why not hold an actual binding referendum on whether people want to privatise 10% of the CBD.”

“The Greens just announced our plan to build 65,000 affordable houses over ten years in Brisbane. On a 12 hectare site we could build well designed affordable housing, a school and even have land leftover for extra greenspace.”

“Like Adani this project shows why people are turning away from Labor and the LNP - instead of building high quality public infrastructure and affordable housing they sell out to Star Entertainment who have donated thousands of dollars to Queensland Labor.”

“While Labor deny people a chance to have a real say on Queens Wharf the best people can do is vote Green in the next state election. We’re the only party that don’t want to sell you out to multi-national property developers.

Media Contact: 0488199015.