The Convenor of the Queensland Greens, Andrew Bartlett, has announced that the Greens will be putting One Nation and the LNP last on the party’s how to vote cards in every seat at the coming state election.
“The Parliament has changed the voting system since the last state election, so voters now have to number every square on their ballot paper, and someone has to be put last.
“The Greens membership have decided that the Greens will be putting One Nation last on our how to vote cards in every seat they contest, with the LNP just above them, because like the LNP, the One Nation Party’s only solution is to attack those who can’t fight back, while protecting the wealthy and powerful.
“Not only do the current Queensland Liberal National Party believe in punishing the poor, but they support building another unwanted and unneeded coal-fired power station, just to please their donors.
“Sadly, the One Nation Party have begun the inevitable betrayal of their base by voting against any kind of equality and they insist on denying the reality of climate change. They are already behaving the same as the LNP.”
“Labor too are still taking millions in corporate donations and putting big dodgy corporations like Adani or Santos ahead of Queenslanders. But the reality is the One Nation leader, Steve Dickson, and his mate Tim Nicholls, will privatise more assets, cut more jobs, and deny deadly global warming.
“The Greens will make mining corporations and property developers pay their fair share so we can afford to pay for affordable housing, cheap, reliable electricity, renewables and quality public infrastructure, while creating thousands of sustainable jobs. The LNP/One Nation alliance will make Queenslanders pay.
“What Queensland desperately needs is Green independent voices. This election we stand to win three seats. Our message is this. Put the Greens first as the only party who refuse corporate donations, and put the One Nation/LNP alliance last.”