Greens slam Queensland’s ‘Secret Referendum’‏



The Greens say the state government is treating Queenslanders and the state’s local Councils with contempt by failing to give proper notice of a referendum aimed at giving politicians more time in office.

Spokesperson for the Queensland Greens, Andrew Bartlett, says “it is clear the government is trying to sneak this change through by stealth; trying to hide the referendum behind regular local Council elections and leaving it as late as possible for information to be provided to voters.”

“It beggars belief that there is now just six weeks until the referendum is likely to be held, yet there is still no confirmation of the date nor any official information for voters about the case for and against the proposed change.

“Both major parties are trying to give themselves more time in power without having to face voters.  This is doubly dangerous in Queensland, which remains the only state without an Upper House to provide a check on government power.

“Despite clearly and publicly opposing the change to four year terms for politicians, and getting more votes than any other party after Labor and the LNP, the Greens have not been given any opportunity to contribute to the voter information providing the case for voting No.

“Local Councils will be disadvantaged by a referendum being held on the same day as local government elections.  The Government may claim it is cheaper to hold a referendum at the same time, but the fact is that it will create extra costs for Councils.”

“Twenty local Council areas in Queensland conduct their elections solely by postal vote, so holding a referendum on the same day may require a lot of booths to be hired and staffed that would otherwise not be.”

For further comment, contact Andrew Bartlett.