Greens stand with Central Queensland farmers struggling to stay on their land


The Australian Greens do not support the resumption of quality farmland whether for mining, coal seam gas or expanded military facilities, including the proposed expansion at the Shoalwater Bay

“The expansion of Shoalwater Bay Training Area into grazing land is short-sighted and heavy-handed”, said Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Senator for Queensland Larissa Waters.

“In Central Queensland, some of these families have worked their land for generations, have seen off droughts and floods and hard times.

“Defence needs to go away and do their homework instead of trampling on the local community. 

“So far, local landholders have been sorely disappointed by confusing and insensitive communication from Defence.

“We Greens have long stood with farmers, traditional owners and landholders across Australia against unjust and unfair invasion of coal and fracking for coal seam gas

“The Greens have also long stood against war games in our World Heritage Great Barrier Reef, and with President Trump in the White House, now is the time to rethink our place in the military alliance with the United States. 

Contact: Lauren Gillin 0419 626 725

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